Saturday, 7 September 2013

Fawn's Leapfrog Cupcakes

image & recipe

What you'll need

  • Batch of baked cupcakes
  • Frosting tinted "frog" green
  • Small tube of white decorating frosting or cookie icing
  • Small candy eyes (look for them in the baking aisle at large craft or department stores)
  • White candy melts
  • Green or sour apple-flavored gummy ring-style candies
  • Kitchen scissors

How to make it

  1. Frost the cupcakes green.
  2. fawns leapfrog cupcake step 2
    For each frog, create a pair of large eyeballs by using dots of decorating frosting or 
    icing to stick candy eyes to the centers of white Candy Melts, as shown. 
    Set the eyeballs aside until the icing hardens and holds.
  3. fawns leapfrog cupcake step 3
    Cut a gummy ring candy in half to create two green "eye sockets."
  4. Gently press the cut ends of each pair of gummy rings down into a frosted cupcake top, positioning them side-by-side just a bit in front of the center. Place a candy eyeball right in front of each socket, again gently pushing the lower edge into the frosting.

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